Ultus, The Man From The Dead (British early film, 6,000 ft) |
- (1916). Directed and scripted by George Pearson. Players inclluded Aurele Sydeney, JLV Leigh and A Caton Woodville. The is the opening film of what was to become the most famous early series based on the adventures of a commanding mystry figure - Ultus the Avenger - replete with secret societies, hooded men, symbolic coffins, in response to the success of the French serial Fantomas. Three more Ultus adventures followed.
1. Cinema in Britain, Ivan Butler, AE Barnes/Tintivy Press, 1973.
Unbreakable (Motion picture)
- (2000). Starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jones. Willis plays a man who gradually discovers he has superhero powers
1. None at this time.
Unholy Three, The (Motion picture) |
- (1930). Movie directed by Tod Browning and starring Lon Chaney in his first and only sound performance (a remake of his 1925 silent film).
1. Reviewed by Jim Knusch in Scarlet Street magazine issue 6, Spring 1992, pg. 61.
Unpaid Ransome, The (US, Motion picture) |
- (19__) .
1. Movie Notes by William K. Everson, The Armchair Detective, Volume 2, Number 1, October 1968, p. 28.