The World of mystery, crime and crime fighters, suspense and thrillers in
Theatre, Radio, Television, Magazines, Movies and Books

[The Thunder Child]
[The Mudville Megaphone]
[You Fly, Girl]
[Ghost Guns Virginia]



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Baron of Arizona, The
(Motion picture)
- (1950) Based on a true story, this movie set in the Old West qualifies as a crime story, for Vincent Price as James Addison Reevis sets up an elaborate swindle via a forged Spanish land grant to prove that his Spanish wife is the real owner of the land known as the Arizona Territory. [The outrage of the settlers at this man who wants to take away their homes resonates when one thinks how they took the land away from the Indians.]

1. Complete Films of Vincent Price, Lucy Chase Williams, Citadel Press, 1995.
2. Vincent Price, 'The Baron of Arizona,' by Gary Svehla, Midnight Marquee Actor Series, edited by Gary and Susan Svehla, 1998.

Bat, The

(US, Motion picture)
- (1959) Mary Roberts Rinehart's adapted her novel The Circular Staircase into a play and a big hit in 1921. (So popular was it that she wrote it as a novel in its own right, afterwards). Crane Wilbur adapted it to movie form in 1959.

A hundred thousand dollars worth of bonds have been stolen from the local bank, and the chief bank teller framed for the theft. The man who stole the bonds dies and everyone, including The Bat, closes in on a creaky old house looking for the stolen goods.

CAIRO Reviews:
The File on The House on Haunted Hill

1. Complete Films of Vincent Price, Lucy Chase Williams, Citadel Press, 1995.

Batman, The ...............
(Movie serial)
- (1943) The Batman appeared for the first time on screen in this fifteen chapter serial,
with Lewis Wilson as Batman, Douglas Croft as Robin and J. Carroll Naish as the villain, Dr. Daka.

Beautiful City, The
(US, Motion picture)
- (1925) Silent movie, crime drama starring William Powell, Richard Barthelmess and Dorothy Gish.

1. The Films of William Powell, by William J. Quirk, Citadel Press, 1986.

Benson Murder Case, The
(US, Motion picture)
- (1930) Starring William Powell as Philo Vance, with Natalie Moorhead, Paul Lukas, Eugene Pallette.

1. The Films of William Powell, by William J. Quirk, Citadel Press, 1986.

(Motion picture)
- (1967) Serial murderer movie starring Joan Crawford.

1. Reviewed by Michael Yaccarino in Scarlet Street magazine issue 6, Spring 1992,
pg. 67.

Best Seller

(Click above for soundtrack)
(Motion picture) (US, Motion picture)
- (1987). Brian Dennehy and James Woods rivet the attention in an intriguing, off-center yarn by Larry Cohen. Hit man James Woods approaches cop turned author (Dennehy), whom he wants to write his biography.

1. None at this time.

Big Circus, The
(Motion picture)
- (1959) Directed by Irwin Allen. A circus as well as mystery movie.

1. Reviewed by Richard Valley in Scarlet Street magazine issue 6,
Spring 1992, pg. 50.
2. The Complete Films of Vincent Price, Lucy Chase Williams, Citadel Press, 1995.

Big Sleep, The

(US, Motion picture)
- (19--) Starring Humphrey Bogart.

1. None at this time.

Black Bird, The

(US, Motion picture)
- (1975) 'Sequel' to The Maltese Falcon starring George Segal as the son of Sam Spade.

1. None at this time.

(British, 7,136 ft)

(Click on cover to purchase)
- (1929). Based on the novel and play by Charles Bennett, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Starred Anny Ondra (with the voice of Joan Barry) John Longden, Donald Calthrop, Cyril Ritchard. Begun as a silent and converted halfway to a sound film.

1. Cinema in Britain, Ivan Butler, AE Barnes/Tintivy Press, 1973.

(US, Motion picture)

(Click on cover to puchase)
- (1981). Directed by Brian dePalma, starring John Travola.

1. 'TAD Goes to the Movies,' by Thomas Godfrey, The Armchair Detective, Volume 14, 1981, Number 4, pg 330-331.

Bribe, The
(US, Motion picture)
- (1949) A crime drama of smuggling, starring Robert Taylor,
Vincent Price,Charles Laughton and Ava Gardner. [Robert Taylor plays Rigby, the name later used by Steve Martin's character in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, and two scenes are used from that movie - one with Charles Laughton and the death scene of Vincent Price, as well as the name of the island upon which they reside, Carlota.]

1. Complete Films of Vincent Price, Lucy Chase Williams, Citadel Press, 1995.

This page last updated on November 1, 2008.

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