The Thunder ChildScience Fiction and Fantasy |
You can go to Amazon.com and do a search for a certain author, and be provided with a list of their books. But it's only when you go to a book store, where you can browse through all the covers of the books, pulling out those that look interesting, and reading the descriptions, that you can get the full "serendipity" effect, of meeting an author you'd never before heard of.
Start with the As to go see what Asimov works are on offer, or choose any letter you like to be taken to that bookshelf. You might be surprised at some of the prices. Typically, out-of-copyright books, and those by untried authors, will be reasonably priced. New books from established authors will cost as much as a print version. One can only hope that the author now gets the money from this, that used to go to the warehouse and distributor people!
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All illustrations retain original copyright.
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