After the main titles we are plunged into what was the teaser for the 1963 classic. Bond must make his way through an elaborate hedge maze and gain entry to the mansion at the other end. Whereas in the movie Bond was playing cat-and-mouse with Red Grant, in the game he must deal with a dozen or more guards while Grant plays with him. This a third-person shooter game and, like Everything or Nothing, which I think was one of the best of the Bond console games, the creators try to vary the pace so it isn't just constant, repetitive shooting, something that made Rogue Agent: Goldeneye a bit of a letdown. So, in addition to the out-and-out shooting we have car chases (using the Aston-Martin), game levels utilizing the Thunderball jetpack and a player's flying ability, very specific targeting to defeat certain enemies (using Bond Focus mode), and variations on the game boss concept which requires a strategy to produce success. Unfortunately, it is not possible to skip past the narrative sections of the game. I guess they wanted to make sure you saw those expensive segments featuring Connery's voice. His voice is showing its age but it's still great to hear him in the role again. Lenya (who is the Lotte Lenya mentioned in the song "Mack the Knife," a song you may not know but should), Bianchi, Aremendariz, Lee, and Maxwell all sound good but Desmond Llewellyn (Q) is totally wrong and the Robert Shaw impersonation is seriously in and out.
Bond gets a workout in Q's lab and there's a huge sequence in a train terminal that eventually pits Bond against Red Grant mano e mano. Eventually, the game moves into You Only Live Twice territory with rocket silos. This makes it appear that EA felt they had only one chance to do this type of Bond game and wanted to get in all the Connery film references they could. Some new gadgets are introduced -- like a cool little min-copter that can fly through air ducts and detonate on command -- and Bond can upgrade them along with his wardrobe. Humans are difficult to reproduce realistically and while the facial characteristics are generally accurate and pleasing, the bodies themselves are sometimes sorely lacking. But it's nice that there are snippets of John Barry's Bond scores woven into the new scoring. Another nice touch, no doubt designed to pull in the classic Bond fans, is that the jacket art features graphics from the original 1963 poster art of Renato Fratini and Eric Pulford. Here's hoping EA continues this series and brings out another Bond game. Return to:
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