The Thunder Child

Science Fiction and Fantasy
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Radio Drama
Science Faction

Volume 1, Issue #5
"Stand By For Mars!"
May 2006
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The Thunder Child Photo Essays: Superman: The Musical
Photo essay and info by Edogawa Ranpo

The gangsters bring Lois to Abner's lab.

Abner has Max tied up also.

Lois sings, "I'm not finished yet." She expects Superman to rescue her.
Then Abner has the gangsters tie up Max. Lois has dynamite beneath her chair,
Max has a block of ice under his feet. If he sneezes, the dynamite blows.

Sedgwick wins the 1975 Bad Guy Nobel Prize

His prize is to be tied up, too

Superman has super lungs - he can't drown.

Joe and Jerry restore Superman's confidence

Superman breaks in to save the day.

Superman sings.

And the gangsters are defeated

Superman saves Lois.
The bomb explodes, blowing Max and Sedgwick sky-high.
They survive, but with partial amnesia.

Max is reformed

Sedgwick hopes to win the Pulitzer Prize, as science editor.

The Harding Dam has broken and a tidal wave is heading towards Metropolis.
"This looks like a job for Superman!"

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All text © 2006 The Thunder Child unless otherwise credited.
All illustrations retain original copyright.
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