Stills of Clive Francis, Malcolm McDowell and Sheila Raynor.
Clive played the part of the Lodger in A Clockwork Orange.

Alex (Malcolm McDowell) attempts to attack Joe the lodger,
but has been conditioned to be unable to do violence

Joe the lodger and Alex's mother (Sheila Raynor)
Here's what someone on a Kubrick newsgroup had to say about Francis as Joe:
"The use of minor characters in Kubrick films also is very interesting
to examine. Take, for example, Clive Francis as Joe (The Lodger) in
ACO... A while ago there was a thread on
Julian from ACO. The Lodger is also an important character. Just
listening to his dialogue, he seems very reasonable. All of the things
he says are straight-up. Even his comments on Alex’s behavior are to
be expected. On paper, he’s a nice guy... looking after Alex’s
parents, steady job (a contract it is, we can’t very well turn him
out now, can we?... Does it matter to you that I have signed a
contract, a letter of agreement, and that my employers have placed
complete trust in me?..."). But, the way Kubrick has him portray the
character, he turns into a hovering, clingy nuisance. We feel sympathy
for Alex and only contempt for Joe. Kubrick is a master of
manipulation. The Lodger is one small example of this."

This page last updated October 22, 2006