About Ghost Guns Virginia.
We're a brand new site, but we've got big plans, so please bookmark us and return frequently. Better still, sign up for our mailing list so we can let you know when new articles are uploaded.
Information provided here will consist of photo essays, travel articles, history articles and book reviews.
The main focus of this site is the military history of Virginia, from the inception of the Jamestown colony in 1607 to the Revolutionary War to the Civil War to World Wars I and II, to today. But never fear, other articles of interest to the prospective Virginia tourist will be offered here.
The 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown is rapidly drawing closer - only a few short months. So much of the material that will be found here in the next few months will focus on Jamestown and what is being done to celebrate that milestone. Be sure to check our Links page to find the official Jamestown site.
 Display sign at French Cannon Park, Battle of Yorktown Trail |